Established in November 2021 for the development of
construction industry in Malaysia especially in Johor. We are a Bumiputra
company registered under the Ministry of Finance (MOF) under the Laboratory
Services for Civil Engineering. We are also registered under Johor Centre for
Construction Development (JCCD).
Our Services
INFRALAB specializes in Laboratory based and In-Situ based soil and
construction material testing including, but not exclusive of:
Premix Core
Core Thickness
Relative Density of Compaction
Residue by Evaporation
Bitumen Extraction
Sieve Analysis
Marshall Density, Flow & Stability
Premix Test
Premix Core – Method testing for collecting samples of asphalt premix
Core Thickness – To determine and ensure the thickness of compacted bituminous paving at the site
Relative Density of Compaction – To determine the percent air void in compacted dense and open bituminous paving mixture
Residue – To measure the quantitative determination of residue in emulsified asphalts composed principally of a semisolid or liquid asphaltic base, water, and an emulsifying agent
Bitumen Extraction – To determine the quantitative of bitumen in hot-mixed paving mixture.
Sieve Analysis – To determine of the particle size distribution of aggregates and fillers in the sample.
Marshall Density, Flow & Stability – To determine the void (Marshall density) strength (Stability) and flexibility (Flow) of the bituminous mixture
Spray Rate Test – To measure the spray rate of the tack coat and prime coat
Lab California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV)
Elongation Index
Flakiness Index
Plasticity Index
Aggregate Crushing Value - Give a relative measure of an aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load
Elongation & Flakiness – Determine the particle shape of the aggregate and each particle shape preferred under specific conditions and sizing
Sieve Analysis – To determination the particle size distribution of sample aggregates and fillers by sieving
Lab Compaction - To determine the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density of the soil
Soundness Test – To determine the resistance of aggregate to weathering action
Soaked/Unsoaked CBR – The evaluation of strength behaviour is considered to be most critical on the wet side of the optimum moisture content
Plasticity Index – To measure of the plasticity of a soil
In-Situ California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
Mackintosh Probe (MP)
Field Density Test (FDT)
Trial Pit
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer – To measure the penetration rate that related to in-situ strength such as estimated in-situ CBR (California Bearing Ratio)
Field Density Test – To determine the density of natural or compacted fine and medium grained soils at the site.
In Situ California Bearing Ratio – To penetrate the soil at a given rate and comparing the relationship between force and penetration into soil for a standard material
Mackintosh Probe – To determine the bearing capacity of the soil
Trial Pit – To investigate under the ground conditions to develop an understanding of the profile of soils within the ground
Compressive Strength of Concrete Cube
Concrete Core
Compressive Strength of Concrete Cube - To determine the strength of concrete mix
Concrete Core - Used for testing of actual properties of concrete in existing structures.